Payroll accountant (m/f/d)

You will support our experienced team in the smooth and correct processing of the monthly payroll for around 1200 employees.

Primary responsibilities:

  • Independent preparation of the monthly payroll accounting
  • external statutory payroll accounting (GKK, FA and municipalities)
  • Base data maintenance in SAP
  • Advisory activity on any questions from our employees
  • Preparation of annual pay slips, statements of contribution base and municipal tax returns
  • ongoing contact with authorities and agencies
  • Participation in program adjustments or innovations
  • Preparation of evaluations and various documents


  • a completed commercial apprenticeship (HAK / HBLA) with completion of the payroll accounting exam
  • several years of experience in this area of ​​responsibility are preferred
  • good knowledge of labor and social security law as well as wage tax law
  • Accuracy, resilience, discretion and loyalty
  • Teamwork and empathy
  • SAP experience desirable
  • English and PC skills (MS Office)

The gross salary for this position is typically EUR 42.000,-- per year (excluding overtime payment and benefits). Overpayment is possible, depending on your qualification and professional experience.
In our international company we also offer attractive social benefits.

EV Group is committed to diversity and equal opportunity for all people.

EVG Human Resources Headquarters

Any questions?

If you have further questions about the job description or the application process, our HR team will be happy to help you. Do not hesitate to contact us directly if you have any other concerns. We are looking forward to hearing from you.

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